Recent Happenings

3 05 2012

So it’s been quite the busy month, when did it turn into May?!  But we did have a chance to get to do something other than just errands last weekend.  It’s funny how when you have company you force yourself to do things that you may not normally do.  With a trip to the botanical gardens and an art/classic car show we had a nice but busy weekend.  Sprinkle in some amazing BBQ and great beer good times were definately had by all.  Here are some snaps from our weekend.

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2 responses

4 05 2012

Truly amazing photos…when is the Mendez Gallery grand opening?? 😉 I love the one with the little dog chillin’ out!

Love and miss you guys-
Taiya xoxo

5 05 2012
Kathy Carter


These are great pictures and I know you all had a wonderful time!!!! It was great talking to you yesterday and hope you and Chris have a great weekend!!

Love you and miss you!!!

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